What is UCMAS ?
The word UCMAS leaves a sense of curiosity in everybody’s mind all the time. People always want to know what UCMAS is and why the world is talking about UCMAS.
UCMAS is a unique and scientifically-proven mental development programme designed for children to develop their latent mental power at a very early age when brain development is reaching its peak.
It is the UC International Corporation’s pioneer program and has enjoyed the most success to date. Along with innovative syllabus and modern educational techniques, whereby junior learners’ practice with an age-old tool (the abacus), the learning process not only stimulates the brain, but also trains their ability to independently perform mental calculation in their head.
UCMAS has been recognised worldwide for its proven results – with the most obvious being the learners’ fantastic mental arithmetic ability and speedy calculation after undergoing the mental arithmetic programme. Mental arithmetic compromises arithmetic calculation regardless of the complexity, using only the brain. What initially seems impossible becomes a reality with UCMAS!
It is more than Maths!
On the surface, it can be assumed that arithmetic is the primary focus of this program, and the end goal is to be able to perform outstanding feats of calculation using solely the mind. However, this program strives to develop other mental abilities as well like concentration, observation, listening, imagination & visualization, as well as memory.
The incredible calculation speed and accuracy you can achieve is only because all these other areas of the brain have been developed as well! Learners equipped with our brain-enhancing skills will also with no doubt find that they have increased self confidence and independence in their academics.
“We want what is the BEST for our children!” – Many parents agreed.
Mental arithmetic is defined as solving mathematical problems, regardless of complexity, using only the brain. What initially seems impossible, or even savant, becomes reality with our innovative training courses!
Adapted by UC International Headquarters’ founder Professor Dr. Dino Wong, the abacus is the humble and an ancient arithmetic tool used to hone and sharpen learners’ mental abilities. Combined with today’s education techniques, our potent UCMAS program is recognised worldwide with proven results- the most obvious being the learners’ fantastic mental arithmetic ability.
The UCMAS International Headquarters founded in 1993 by Dr. Dino Wong, who recognised the benefits of the abacus and how the ancient instrument can be utilised further in modern times to develop young minds to think and perform faster than the average rate.
We highly recommend this course, especially to children, especially those aged 4-12 years because studies show that 75% of the brain develops during this time. The brain is also considered extremely pliable and responsive to guidance at this time. Our exciting classes and energetic instructors ensure that our learners have fun as they learn!